21 Days of Prayer and Fasting 2025

What to Expect During the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Over the next 21 days, you will find daily devotionals posted to this page. Each day will have an option for audio and written participation. This video from Pastor Eric explains more about how to use these tools.

Day 21

John 21

“The same hands that were pierced and fastened to his cross are now serving breakfast.”  -Eric Bloom

Day 20

John 20

“When I look at my relationship with Jesus, the Lord of Lords, do I live in the reality that I am deeply known, and still deeply loved?” -Karlie Bloom


Day 19

John 19

“The timing isn’t curious, it’s intentional. The background noise of Passover preparation while THE lamb is being led to the slaughter isn’t coincidence, it’s premeditated since the beginning of time.”  -Brenda DeWalt

Day 18

John 18

“He could have called down armies of angels. But he accepted that this was God’s will, and he submitted.”  -Aaron Paschall

Day 17

John 17

“Jesus knows (by experience) perfect unity and desires it with us and for us.”  -Brenda DeWalt

Day 16

John 16

“Jesus, as I fast and pray, I ask the Holy Spirit to give me the strength to resist the pull of the world.”  -Roy Mickelson


Day 15

John 15

“Dear God, may your Holy Spirit raise up a red flag in me when I am acting in the flesh instead of the Spirit to those around me. Purify my motives till they line up with yours.”  -Judy Mickelson


Day 14

John 14

“Jesus has entrusted us as believers in him to reveal the glory of our Father carrying him everywhere we go.”  -Georgia Tichota


Day 13

John 13

“Too many times we focus on the differences we have rather than focusing on the commandment Jesus gave. Love each other.”  -Sal Garcia


Day 12

John 12

“Mary had expensive perfume that symbolized her heart filled with devotion. I will give Jesus worship from the depths of my heart.”  -Roger Funk


Day 11

John 11

“It’s easy for us to see that our world, although technologically advanced, is aching for light from a savior. We can look around and see darkness everywhere.”  -Kimmie Bradley


Day 10

John 10

“Trusting in Jesus’ love gives me the strength and peace I need as I deal with all of life’s challenges.”  -Beto Archuleta


Day 9

John 9

“This light allows me to see in places where I would have otherwise been blind.”  -Matt Bradley


Day 8

John 8

“Light and Truth, one shows the way and the other sets us free. You can’t have one without the other.”  -Judy Mickelson


Day 7

John 7

“I thirst for success, money, power, or just to be seen and loved for who I really am. When I seek to quench this thirst with the things of the world, I always come back for more.”  -Matt Bradley


Day 6

John 6

“Just as the disciples were not alone in their struggles, we too are never abandoned in ours.”  -Beto Archuleta


Day 5

John 5

“When I become aware of my helplessness, my need for a savior, I begin to embrace the weight of the sacrifice of Jesus.”  -Kimmie Bradley


Day 4

John 4

“Jesus is offering this unnamed woman the waters of eternal life which can change her life today and give her hope for eternity.”  -Roger Funk


Day 3

John 3

“This means leaving an old life behind and starting a new one in Jesus. Leaving the darkness and stepping into God’s light.”  -Sal Garcia


Day 2

John 2

“Let me trust as you perform wonders that go beyond my expectations or understanding.”  -Georgia Tichota


Day 1

John 1

“Jesus is God and he came to earth to dispel the darkness of all evil.”  -Eric Bloom


What Is 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting?

Watch this short video from Pastor Mark and Pastor Eric to learn what 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting is and why we do it.