MOPS Gathering


9:00 AM

This is a gathering for moms with young children to build connections and find support.
For more information please contact us.


Childcare is available.

About MOPS

Here at MOPS, we gather moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. That’s why we rally women, to help them become more brave, kind and honest, one gathering at a time.
So, whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom or seventh-time mom, you are welcome here. Whether you are an adoptive mom, young mom, seasoned mom, foster mom, stepmom or any other type of mom, you are welcome here. Whether you prefer to meet with other moms in a coffee shop, church, park, living room or video chat, we have something for you.
-MOPS International

A New MOPS Year is Here!

Our MOPS year follows the school calendar (Sept – May).  We meet the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month at Landing Place Church, from 9:00-11:00 am. We offer childcare, hot coffee, and a wonderful potluck style brunch. 

We are excited to kick off our new year on Friday September 3rd. If you would like to join us you can do that by clicking the register button below to sign up. Looking forward to having you join us.